Marc Plante
Senior Scientist
Boston Analytical
I have been working in the field of analytical chemistry and chromatography for over 25 years, complete with a variety of publications, speeches, webinars, and a wide range of experience. I first earned my B.Sc. in Chemistry with two minors in engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York, and then a doctorate in Physical-Organic chemistry at Northeastern University, in Boston. My first employment involved a novel semi-synthetic taxane process, for which I helped developed a chromatographic purification system earning a patent. Over the course of my current career, I have largely worked with small-molecule chromatography, with much of my more creative work involving the Corona Charged Aerosol Detector. At ESA, Dionex, and Thermo Fisher Scientific, I created application notes and posters, gave many presentations, and wrote a couple of book chapters. I also enjoyed providing some ideas for improving the detector's capabilities. I am currently employed as a Senior Scientist at a pharmaceutical CRO, Boston Analytical, in Salem, New Hampshire.
Research Interest
Method Development and Optimization for HPLC and GC methods. Qualification, and Validation, Documentation (SOP, TDR, Protocols, URS). LIMS configuration and installation. Demonstrated skills in troubleshooting and optimization.